Flash Fiction is supposed to encourage us to write fast and well. Still spending too much time on it!
Look forward to my next post, again considering the Hamilton family of Danbury CT.
A few years ago, I found a half dozen letters written on school lined paper (Remember Indian tablets?), Yes, that paper - and it looked brand new.
When I read one letter there in the Connecticut State library, I wanted to cry.
Look forward to another Hamilton resident as he is memorialized by his father in my next Spot Writers flash fiction.
Look forward to my next post, again considering the Hamilton family of Danbury CT.
A few years ago, I found a half dozen letters written on school lined paper (Remember Indian tablets?), Yes, that paper - and it looked brand new.
When I read one letter there in the Connecticut State library, I wanted to cry.
Look forward to another Hamilton resident as he is memorialized by his father in my next Spot Writers flash fiction.